
The villagers talked about of building a church where they could meet for worship. However, as they had neither the land nor the money to build their own church, this seemed difficult at first. Back home, Sigrid couldn't let go of this meeting. She decided to follow her heart and bought her first piece of land with her inheritance and a credit she had to take out. Women, men and children began to clear the thorny and stony terrain. It took only a month to build a wooden structure with a corrugated iron roof and first side walls made of plastic sheeting, later of wood and now, after 5 years, of stone. Step by step, the windows and the door are coming too.



When the church was finished, there was a big opening ceremony with over 100 people and the old and new bishops themselves in December 2019. The first gospel services could finally be celebrated. Soon this room was also used as a substitute school during the lockdown or as a kindergarten, youth and womens meeting place and was available as a parish office for pastoral discussions.

In our order of service in church we have evening services from 4pm to 6pm from Tuesday to Friday. We also have special services for the youth and sundayschool services every Sunday. Singing and teaching and too we do healing services especially on friday and sunday during the services.

On sundays there are two services: from 8pm to 10pm and from 10pm to 1.30pm with gospel music, sundayschool-,  teens- or women choir with a professional leader and several gospelbands. Languages are suaheli and english.

Don´t miss this soul touching service whenever you will be in Mombassa. You are welcome!